Quote Originally Posted by fdfan View Post
I'm thinking number 3 as well. What it might do is roll for different rewards individually. So, usually, I get at least 2 rewards for 1 R gacha. What it could do is roll to see which item you get first (out of a given range of items, so you won't get 10 candy for 10 R gachas) and then roll for the second item. Their point total then determines the time it takes. If you get two higher-value items, then the time is higher.

Or I am just talking out of my ass here. Either one works!
I wonder what the actual mechanism is. All three that I described essentially yield the same result, just via three different paths. The third one sound the easiest to code though. X points = tier.

Throw in another random number generator to get the wait time for that tier.

Then use a third RNG for the item(s) that you get. Every combination of items available for a certain point value just need a discrete value or range of values. Spin the RNG and get whatever it lands on. Seems pretty simple to me.