Quote Originally Posted by Opalia24 View Post
I hope PeroPero server is the only one to know then hidden Cards untill a player pick a Card. If our computer have info about what the hidden Cards are before we pick a Card cheaters can make a simple program that enables them to have a free Card reveal all the time. The PeroPero server would not be able to see that the cheater have read some info in there own computers memery as long as the cheaters dont change the info.

I dont like cheaters and hope the PeroPero is code is better than some other free Card games. I am no hacker and I newer made any tools like that. I am just interested to understand the game better so I can max my SR chance with in the Laws of the game. So I do statistic to see if Cards are better in some spots that others spots.
I do have the skills and know-how to build such tools, but my sentiments mirror yours exactly. I could crack the flash code easily and trace everything to see how the algorithm worked, but I'd hate it if somebody (myself included) ever used such knowledge to cheat the game.

As far as I can tell, the server does keep track enough to not be hacked this way (or, at worst, for admins to be able to trace any such cheating):

  1. Every time you hit the big pink GO button, your local app asks the server for your next spin result. That allows the server to actually make sure you're not changing packets to get the spin you want.
  2. Every time you enter chance time, your local app is only capable of letting you choose from 1 to 6, and then ask the server to draw the 6 random cards and tell you which one you got, and how that affects your current collection. That allows the server to avoid players from laming the chance time process.
  3. Every time you do anything that comunicates with the server, your app recieves an update to your stats (exp and pero included) from the state saved in the server. That means at the very least the server keeps those values recorded, and updates them on any triggered event.

The only things you might be able to lame are:
  1. Modifying data packets to lie to your local app about spin results, which might, might, allow you to cheat the server.
  2. Duplicating a used my card reveal packet before executing the select chance time card event, in order to always get the cards data before selection.
  3. Modifying data packets, just like on item 1, but for focus related events, like attacking guards and such.

However, just by looking at the average packets moved, you can tell that all these cheats would leave a very big neon-flashing marquee on any attempt, easy for admins to find.
And that's only if the server doesn't bother to validate every passing packet, which would automatically raise a red flag for any admin to check.