I've had a lot of fun with this game so far. As Xanthius said, while it isn't really much to it, it is addicting for some reason. Wish i had known that staying in the first area was more beneficial.

Event came out, i was prepared by having a ton of gold since i had read that it would be needed, which made me get the free slayer cards at once. I agree that the event bugs could have been handled differently and it did feel annoying when they simply retracted their statement.

I will keep playing this game for free at the moment, since i feel the costs for everything in this game are way too steep. I also feel that the handling of the free vs paying could have been done differently. Some might disagree, but i feel that all cards eventually should be available to all players, but that free players will have a lot harder time getting a select few of them. Aigis went this route. There is nothing you cannot get as a free player if luck is with you. However the average luck means you still need to pay if you really want to try to get everything.

And i don't mean something like putting it in the normal gacha. The event cards could be put in the "guaranteed SR" gacha. This would mean that free players would have a chance at one of those cards once per month or so (because that's about how often a free player gets a guaranteed SR, really), while still keeping them from getting all of the cards for a long while since all the other SR cards are also in that gacha. It would still be a sound investment to get event cards for those who want to pay for it, but free players wouldn't be completely gutted and unable to get those cards forever.

All in all, a nice and addicting game. Hope the next event is handled better.