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Thread: SED

  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    The total SED is for all u'r cards togheter, not just those on profile. Those are just for u'r own display preference.
    Get more cards, level more cards :P more SED
    PPS: Neko, ID 955968, nyan pie for u
    DP : http://www.drapro-nutaku.dmmgames.co...a/index/131472

  2. #2
    preference of upgrade if you're poor: Moe (until lvl 60 of the card)->Babe->Sexy
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Also I good strategy is to NEVER buy N-wilds. Buy N-gatcha instead. Why? Random Level up on R and SR cards. plus when you reach level 100 on all your N cards you can get N-wild as compensation and still occasionally hit an R card or SR for a small boost. If you gat a N-sec (special event card) and do not have all your N cards at 100+ then by all means buy N-wild to top off the sec card. that way you get full use of your pero.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Also I good strategy is to NEVER buy N-wilds. Buy N-gatcha instead. Why? Random Level up on R and SR cards. plus when you reach level 100 on all your N cards you can get N-wild as compensation and still occasionally hit an R card or SR for a small boost. If you gat a N-sec (special event card) and do not have all your N cards at 100+ then by all means buy N-wild to top off the sec card. that way you get full use of your pero.
    I don't really agree with this. One of the benefits of N wilds is you can turn 10 N wilds into an R wild. If you've got plenty of N gacha tickets and a mountain of pero, it's totally worth it to turn 200-300k of pero into 200-300 N wilds that you can convert into 20-30 R Wilds. If you happen to have a low level Moe card, 20-30 R wilds can be a quick 3000 SED. Since we're in Elite Guard, even small boosts in SED can mean the difference between needing to do another small seduction or not.

    I mean, it's super frustrating to have an EG with something like 5k more health than my max SED. Sure, it only takes 5 minutes to regain that focus, but it's so inefficient. I'd rather just one-shot the thing and be looking for the next one.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    I don't really agree with this. One of the benefits of N wilds is you can turn 10 N wilds into an R wild. If you've got plenty of N gacha tickets and a mountain of pero, it's totally worth it to turn 200-300k of pero into 200-300 N wilds that you can convert into 20-30 R Wilds. If you happen to have a low level Moe card, 20-30 R wilds can be a quick 3000 SED. Since we're in Elite Guard, even small boosts in SED can mean the difference between needing to do another small seduction or not.
    Well, I agree with him. For 300k Pero you can get either 300 N Wild Cards or 200 N Gacha Tickets. In other words, you get either 30 R Wild Cards or 200 CHANCES for R/SR Wild Cards. In the worst case scenario you end up with 200 N Wild Cards form these tickets (which is guaranteed 20 R Wild Cards anyway) but I assure you that you will get way more than 10 R/SR Wild Cards from the rolls.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Could also put it like this - you should get at least one SR wild from those 200 tickets. 1 SR wild = 100 N wilds. Add in the R wilds or random levels for your cards and you are fairly set.

    The one problem is having the will to roll those 200 times without some kind of clickbot :P

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    He said he was a newbie. that leads me to believe he also needs all his N-cards as well so rolling for the ones he doesn't have is good too. also if you roll between full hits (that 30 minute downtime) it gives you something to do. You do not HAVE to click all 200/300 gatcha in one sitting either. Just saying.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
    Well, I agree with him. For 300k Pero you can get either 300 N Wild Cards or 200 N Gacha Tickets. In other words, you get either 30 R Wild Cards or 200 CHANCES for R/SR Wild Cards. In the worst case scenario you end up with 200 N Wild Cards form these tickets (which is guaranteed 20 R Wild Cards anyway) but I assure you that you will get way more than 10 R/SR Wild Cards from the rolls.
    The thing is, when you buy an N-Gacha, you pay 1500 and ultimately get an N wild. That's a net loss of 500 pero. It's also time consuming to roll THAT many N-gachas. Plus, if you have every SR card in the N-Gacha, sure. You might get an R card or an SR card, but it'll add one point to a random card. Even if it's an SR, if it's a low level Sexy card, your SED boost is non-existent.

    Ultimately, it's worthwhile to have a mix of both. I stock up on N-Gacha during gambit because you get a pink key with every ticket. The pink keys are typically worth either 1000 Pero, 3000 pero, or a nice consumable. If it's not Gambit, buying N Gacha just isn't as pero efficient.

    Plus, every event, you will be spending anywhere from 1-50 rolls to get the new N-Slayer. Sometimes you get her on the first spin, and sometimes you chase her for all goddamn day since she pops up in EVERY box but the one you click. Usually, you will get the N slayer within 5-10 rolls, but those are the chances to burn a bunch of N-wilds. Plus they're useful for doing the mission to get three N cards and 2 R cards. You can reliably do those in a few rolls per day.

    But when it comes to events like EG, you may need SED and need it NOW. Sometimes you just don't want to wait for your SED to grow slowly. I had a shit ton of SR wilds that had been sitting around accumulating, and I burned all of them (holding 100 in reserve) to boost my SED by about 100k. I also burned all but 100 of my R wilds to make my base SED as high as possible.

    I don't advocate ALWAYS buying N-Wilds for the conversion to R-Wild, but if you have pero to spare and a good supply of N-Gacha, it's a relatively easy way to add a few thousand to your SED. Sometimes a few thousand SED makes a difference, especially if you manage to get an R or SR slayer.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    I can add to this something.
    First of all, keep in mind, that converting 10 N WC to 1 R WC also costs you some Pero (1000 if i recall it right). So it is not 10 000 Pero for N WC = 1 R WC.
    Secondly - when there is no Event active, you can buy N Gacha Tickets for 1000 Pero each, instead of 1500 Pero during Events. That means N gacha and N Wildcards are equal in price, but buying N Gacha results in all the benefits mentioned above, so it is much more Pero-effective, than buying N WC and converting them into R WC.
    Plus, if you want to get an extra SR WC every day and you consider yourself a plodding person, you'll need do as i do - to spend all of your pero on N Gacha Tickets, (and, mostly, it will never be enough of N gacha Tickets anyway, so you'll HAVE to buy some even during the Events) then, enlist for the "Get 3 N Girl Cards" daily mission, then, after getting these using N Gacha, enlist for "Get 2 R Girl Cards" daily mission, quickly get them in R Gacha - if you want to minimize the use of N Gacha Tickets and time for getting them in the N gacha (that will require 2 additional R Gacha Tickets, but you can always get one by completing another Daily Mission, that requires you to get first 3, then 5 and then 10 Chance TIme rolls in the Exploration Mode, or Elite Guard Search, and get enough of them during Events) and then enlist for doing "Get 1 SR Girl Card" Daily Mission, and roll the N Gacha until you'll finally get one - you'll need to roll N Gacha for about 50-70 times for that (sometimes - much less, like 10-30. 100-120 is the worst case scenario you'll ever get).
    I also can recommend you to not level-up at all those of your cards (especially - the N cards, and in case of R and SR cards - not to level them up over lvl 50 or so) that you can get in the N Gacha. Why? Because, getting them in the N Gacha will result in a permanent level-up of those cards, which means 1k Pero in case of N card, 11k Pero in case of R card and 120k in case if you'll get an SR card when you'll use that N Gacha ticket or get it during Chance Time on any other Search Gacha. If you'll max out said cards to lvl 100, and get them for rolling any Search Gacha or the Girl Hunt Quest Gacha later, you'll just get 300 Pero if you'll get an N card and 700 Pero if you'll get R card and 1500 Pero if you'll get an SR card that way. So you can count, how much Pero you'll lose if you'll max out your cards too quick using Wild Cards.
    So, i recommend you to use WildCards only on those cards that you can't get on any Gacha that consumes Stamina (that means, the unique cards that you'll get as Ranking or EP rewards during Events, from Facebook campaigns and so on.

    Btw, i'd like to ask those who know - what will i get if i'll get a card that i've already maxed out in the E-gacha, SR Guaranteed Gacha, Revival Gacha and else? Corresponding WildCards? And are those SR1 WIld Cards even in those Gachas, or are they giving at least SR3 or SR5 or EX Wild Cards for those (since their tickets are extremely valueable)
    Last edited by Vic47; 02-11-2016 at 05:52 PM.
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Winnipeg, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    preference of upgrade if you're poor: Moe (until lvl 60 of the card)->Babe->Sexy
    I would suggest putting all the Moes to 80, most of the SRs should all have 10K SED by then. Moes only start drastically dropping in SED per level past 80 so I think it's better to just ride that advantage as much as possible. After you've levelled your Moes if you really feel like you need more SED pronto level up Babes, it's the next best card type to get fast SED. Most of a Sexys SED is gained per level past 80. If ever you find yourself with enough Wilds to get a card to 100 I would suggest Sexys take priority, there's a few Sexys with really bad SED but you can always check a cards max SED by viewing it. 12K or more would be a good card to level to 100. There's a few Babes that also get that high but most don't.
    Last edited by Arekusu; 02-17-2016 at 01:47 PM.
    Nutaku ID: 465901

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