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Thread: SED

  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    For that guy up above me. I'm betting that it works like N-gatcha. WC-1 of the corresponding rarity. You think they are going to put ex wild in any gatcha's? Hardly, they don't make money that way. plus if you get maxed on those cards you get ex levels anyway (to your limit). Also if you get there it means you play too much, or spend lot! LoL. when you get to that point let us know okay? as a free player I expect to get there sometime in 2020.

  2. #2
    I definitely agree that N-gacha will give the most growth over time compared to N-Wilds. But the question comes down to whether or not you want to spread the growth over a few days/weeks or get an instant injection. Plus, you have to consider if you don't have 100 R Wilds on hand and get an R slayer. R slayers aren't worth NEARLY as much if you don't max it to 100 immediately.

    The point I'm trying to make is rules like "never buy N-Wilds" are not necessarily good rules. There ARE times when you may need N wilds, and it may be worth your while to bump up 3 or 4 Moe cards to level 35 to get a 10k boost rather than get that boost over time. Or like I said, you may get an R slayer and realize, oh shit. I don't have any R wilds. Oddly enough, R wilds are somewhat harder to get. Sure, you can get two guaranteed R wilds every day easily enough, but events drop SR wilds (1/3/5) pretty regularly. When I look at my deck, I have SIGNIFICANTLY more SRs at level 100 than I do R cards. SR wilds are definitely WAY more precious, but they're also WAY more plentiful. Hell, after the last three events, I stockpiled the equivalent of about 800 SR wilds. By comparison, even with the two free ones per day, I only had about 200-300 R wilds.

    Tell me if I'm wrong. Look at your deck. Odds are, you will have nearly as many R cards as SRs. At current, I have almost the same number of N/R/SR. All of my Ns are level 100. Half of my SRs are level 100. ALL of my Moe SRs are 35 or higher. If I add up the cumulative levels of all my R cards, I would say at most, I have 65% as many R levels as I do SR levels, and that's with R cards coming up in Chance Time MUCH more frequently.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post

    Tell me if I'm wrong.
    i'm pretty sure a couple people already have.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    i'm pretty sure a couple people already have.
    Look at your deck. I'm more than willing to admit if I'm wrong, but I am willing to bet that you have more leveled SRs than Rs.

    As for whether or not to buy N-Wilds, I'm actually agreeing that you will get more growth out of N-gacha. I'm merely saying that 'never' is a bridge too far. There are situations where you may, in fact, need to or want to buy N-wilds. I gave the examples of

    1) needing a quick SED boost now vs later

    2) Needing additional R wilds to level a R slayer. It's always a good idea to keep a minimum of 100 of each wild card (N/R/SR) on hand to level a slayer card, but it is easier to neglect R wilds, especially since they only come as one level. The game doesn't really give you R wilds at the same rate that it gives you SR wilds. I'm getting about 5-10 SR wilds from EGs for every R wild.

    Someone recently mentioned burning all his SR wild cards and then getting an SR slayer in the last event. It's easy to forget to keep some in reserve.

    I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight. I just think that you should USUALLY not buy N wilds, not NEVER buy N wilds.

    As an addendum, if you can honestly tell me that if you had an R slayer and did not have 100 R wilds on hand you wouldn't cash in enough N-wilds to get it to level 100 (including if you had to buy a few hundred) then I will fully admit that you are 100% right. I will then admit the sick burn I received on the internets and say that someone that does not post his (or her) name showed me what for.
    Last edited by JSensei; 02-11-2016 at 10:40 PM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    Someone recently mentioned burning all his SR wild cards and then getting an SR slayer in the last event. It's easy to forget to keep some in reserve.
    It was me, lol.

    Oddly enough, R wilds are somewhat harder to get. Sure, you can get two guaranteed R wilds every day easily enough, but events drop SR wilds (1/3/5) pretty regularly.
    True. That's because most od the Daily missions give SR Wilds as a top-reward, because SR Wilds are of 3 types (so you get one or another, and 2 of those give more than 1 level at a time) and so.

    I do agree, that you should always try to have at least 100 R and SR Wilds in your pocket in case of getting a Slayer card, but i always want max SED i can have "here and now" during Elite Guard Events and best deck during Coliseums, so i just can't keep my hands off those last 100 WCs. As for N Wilds - i have around 1k of them most of the time - i just never have Pero to convert them into R's since i use all of my Pero for N Gacha's between the Events to be able to roll it every day until i complete "Get 1 SR Girl" Daily Mission.
    But okay, let's count them: i've got

    63 N cards
    60 R cards
    68 SR cards.

    All N's are lvl 100-105

    21 R is lvl 100-105
    24 Rs are lvl 99-61
    14 Rs are lvl 60-50
    1 R is lvl 4.

    11 SRs are lvl 100-105
    4 SRs are lvl 88-70
    15 SRs are lvl 60
    25 SRs are lvl 59-40
    3 SRs are lvl 20-10
    10 SRs are lvl 10-1

    Plus 3 SR WC 1 + 124 R WC + 621 N WC (since i've poured alot of them into Curito lately)

    So, it is (roughly) 5056 R levels (including Ex levels - around 10 or 15 from Ex WC) per 60 R cards and 3675 SR levels per 68 SR cards (including EX levels, but, probably, none or like 5 Ex WC)
    So, you see, that for me it is as it is and as it should be - it might look as if there are more SR's (since i have more individual SR cards than R cards) and should have more SR levels, since we are getting much more SR WC's and they are even of 3 types 2 of which give more than one level to the upgraded card at a time - BUT ACTUALLY there are ~1,5k more R levels because of the much more frequent levelups of R cards on N Gacha, GHQ and other Chance Times than SR levelups (again, most levels that my cards are gained "naturally", while rolling N Gacha or Stamina-consuming searches - not from Wildcards.) and, probably, SR Wildcards are really the more frequent drop than R WCs, but in the end, R cards have more levels than SRs (at least fro a player that utilizes my strategy and is f2p.

    Oh, and by the way - i've levelled up to 100 half of those SRs only recently, because i'm getting ready to teh upcoming Coliseum (i guess it will be the next event after this Elite Guard one) and before that i only had 3 cards of each attribute maxed out to lvl 105 to use mixed decks during the the last Coliseum.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    i'm pretty sure a couple people already have.
    I'm pretty sure that Rage (Evil Angel) and those other people from the top of the rankings have like 99% of all cards and have them maxed out. Though, as you all can see i'm far from that - and that's why i'm asking.

    And about those Ex WildCards - yes, they are very hard to obtain, but actually, they give very little SEd (only +3 for each Ex level) so the only place where they can be really useful - is when you cross the same cards with other person in Coliseum (which will, most probably, almost never happen - since different people have, and prefer different cards and might use different layouts even if they have the same 5 cards in their decks.)
    Last edited by Vic47; 02-12-2016 at 07:39 AM.
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Vic47 View Post
    It was me, lol.

    True. That's because most od the Daily missions give SR Wilds as a top-reward, because SR Wilds are of 3 types (so you get one or another, and 2 of those give more than 1 level at a time) and so.

    I do agree, that you should always try to have at least 100 R and SR Wilds in your pocket in case of getting a Slayer card, but i always want max SED i can have "here and now" during Elite Guard Events and best deck during Coliseums, so i just can't keep my hands off those last 100 WCs. As for N Wilds - i have around 1k of them most of the time - i just never have Pero to convert them into R's since i use all of my Pero for N Gacha's between the Events to be able to roll it every day until i complete "Get 1 SR Girl" Daily Mission.
    But okay, let's count them: i've got

    63 N cards
    60 R cards
    68 SR cards.

    All N's are lvl 100-105

    21 R is lvl 100-105
    24 Rs are lvl 99-61
    14 Rs are lvl 60-50
    1 R is lvl 4.

    11 SRs are lvl 100-105
    4 SRs are lvl 88-70
    15 SRs are lvl 60
    25 SRs are lvl 59-40
    3 SRs are lvl 20-10
    10 SRs are lvl 10-1

    Plus 3 SR WC 1 + 124 R WC + 621 N WC (since i've poured alot of them into Curito lately)

    So, it is (roughly) 5056 R levels (including Ex levels - around 10 or 15 from Ex WC) per 60 R cards and 3675 SR levels per 68 SR cards (including EX levels, but, probably, none or like 5 Ex WC)
    So, you see, that for me it is as it is and as it should be - it might look as if there are more SR's (since i have more individual SR cards than R cards) and should have more SR levels, since we are getting much more SR WC's and they are even of 3 types 2 of which give more than one level to the upgraded card at a time - BUT ACTUALLY there are ~1,5k more R levels because of the much more frequent levelups of R cards on N Gacha, GHQ and other Chance Times than SR levelups (again, most levels that my cards are gained "naturally", while rolling N Gacha or Stamina-consuming searches - not from Wildcards.) and, probably, SR Wildcards are really the more frequent drop than R WCs, but in the end, R cards have more levels than SRs (at least fro a player that utilizes my strategy and is f2p.

    Oh, and by the way - i've levelled up to 100 half of those SRs only recently, because i'm getting ready to teh upcoming Coliseum (i guess it will be the next event after this Elite Guard one) and before that i only had 3 cards of each attribute maxed out to lvl 105 to use mixed decks during the the last Coliseum.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm pretty sure that Rage (Evil Angel) and those other people from the top of the rankings have like 99% of all cards and have them maxed out. Though, as you all can see i'm far from that - and that's why i'm asking.

    And about those Ex WildCards - yes, they are very hard to obtain, but actually, they give very little SEd (only +3 for each Ex level) so the only place where they can be really useful - is when you cross the same cards with other person in Coliseum (which will, most probably, almost never happen - since different people have, and prefer different cards and might use different layouts even if they have the same 5 cards in their decks.)
    Actually, I looked at my deck, and my perception of how many R levels I have might have been off. I need to actually count it out, but I could very well be wrong in my assessment that I have more SR levels due to the overabundance of SR wilds from events. That said, I definitely have more SR cards than R cards. They're in the same ballpark, but I have at least 5-6 more SRs than Rs.

    Mostly, I just try to stay away from absolutes. I don't like hard 'always' or 'never' rules. That, and I won't lie. N-gacha is a pain. You get so little for it. I do it because you have to, but it's hardly time efficient. I'll admit it is the most SED efficient, but it takes a long time. And my time is pretty valuable.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest

    Can you read?

    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    Mostly, I just try to stay away from absolutes. I don't like hard 'always' or 'never' rules. That, and I won't lie. N-gacha is a pain. You get so little for it. I do it because you have to, but it's hardly time efficient. I'll admit it is the most SED efficient, but it takes a long time. And my time is pretty valuable.
    Reread the post. I said "by all means buy N-wc to max out sec" or the equivalent.

    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    And my time is pretty valuable.
    That right there keeps people spending real money on this game!

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