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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    karen is ugly man and no you don´t will get 500k ep if you start now from 0 but you should can get april, now if you buy pack of paytaku and get 2 booster to farm in easy stages maybe.. history mode only give a VERY very low chance to get eromon with lame stats

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by darkeleon View Post
    karen is ugly man and no you don´t will get 500k ep if you start now from 0 but you should can get april, now if you buy pack of paytaku and get 2 booster to farm in easy stages maybe.. history mode only give a VERY very low chance to get eromon with lame stats
    O.O wow really ....i play the first event and after fail ( was out of top 500, like 625 or something like that) i decide stop....still well lvl up acard to max is not so hard i maxed 3 bosses and got some rare cards too.....still i will not play osawari .....

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by khermeker View Post
    O.O wow really ....i play the first event and after fail ( was out of top 500, like 625 or something like that) i decide stop....still well lvl up acard to max is not so hard i maxed 3 bosses and got some rare cards too.....still i will not play osawari .....
    Osawari is 100% luck when it comes to getting in top 500. You can spend gatcha tickets to get their version of slayers but its pure luck if u get one (or multiple) if you get one you'll probably be around rank 300 and with two around 100. Karen and April should be pretty easy to get if you've got an okay team, like 60-70s, unless they really bumped up the difficulty since I quit (after xmas). I don't think u can get makina without getting a slayer or p2w some energy drinks.

    It sucks to cause they got their rewards for like 600k ep? which if you've been playing pps is super easy and possibly even doable with a new account? Just for a comparison the top 1k had over 6m Ep and i don't feel like seeing how many actually reached the highest goal but unless its way easier to get Ep in osawari its going to be hard to get Makina.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Well, guess it is time to farm normal maps for tickets and pray for an OI slayer. Then do the 30 stamina mission at 3x mode~~

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by darkeleon View Post
    karen is ugly man and no you don´t will get 500k ep if you start now from 0 but you should can get april, now if you buy pack of paytaku and get 2 booster to farm in easy stages maybe.. history mode only give a VERY very low chance to get eromon with lame stats
    Nah. Karen might have disproportional body and not the best scenes, but i like her face, hair and wings (and suit overall) much more than that of Makina i chose to be my Princess back at Coli4 (because of slightly better scenes, more proportional body and cooler "panties" part of the suit. However, now, when i have her, i regret that and feel i did the wrong choice, so i want Karen instead, no matter she is R and not SR. And Karen is the only reason i decided to try OI.
    And i care nothing about April - she is not cute, has poorly drawn body, i don't like her scenes or anything in her and she is just an N card so i totally don't need her. And of course she is totally not worthy of playing OI for me. OI maybe have better interactions with cards (all those touchy-feely scenes and else) and all those adorable monmusu with tails and ears, but i totally hate the gameplay mechanics. It could be a little better for me if it would be turn-based, but as it is it is a pain for me to play it. All i'm willing to do is to get Karen and quit.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by khermeker View Post
    O.O wow really ....i play the first event and after fail ( was out of top 500, like 625 or something like that) i decide stop....still well lvl up acard to max is not so hard i maxed 3 bosses and got some rare cards too.....still i will not play osawari .....
    Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
    Osawari is 100% luck when it comes to getting in top 500. You can spend gatcha tickets to get their version of slayers but its pure luck if u get one (or multiple) if you get one you'll probably be around rank 300 and with two around 100. Karen and April should be pretty easy to get if you've got an okay team, like 60-70s, unless they really bumped up the difficulty since I quit (after xmas). I don't think u can get makina without getting a slayer or p2w some energy drinks.

    It sucks to cause they got their rewards for like 600k ep? which if you've been playing pps is super easy and possibly even doable with a new account? Just for a comparison the top 1k had over 6m Ep and i don't feel like seeing how many actually reached the highest goal but unless its way easier to get Ep in osawari its going to be hard to get Makina.
    Well, it says you have to achieve certain amount of EP, not a place in the Ranking... So i still have a little hope... And i already have Makina, so i only need to get 300 EP to get Karen...
    Do you think it is possible if i've just started playing OI? (lvl6 by the moment)
    Any tips on how to play it to get what it takes to get 300 EP? Maybe some links for a starter guides or something?
    Also, i'd be glad if someone could use my acc and at least make me a good team/manage and level-up units, since i don't even understand what i am doing there, and fail to complete even stage 6 of location 2 in the story mode...
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Just continue practicing. At your level you get stamina refills fast so it should be a nice time for you. Try to get units that upgrade to SSR or SL and then do your best at leveling them. A full team of them should suffice for decent grinding if you get a hang of the game, and do mind the elements that things are weak and strong against.

    You'll want to try to get at least one of each element.

  7. #7
    As tenhou said basiclly keep grinding. I think its several hours of game play before you actually catch up to your stamina (less if you only use 3x).

    My main complaint about this is that unless this event has a really high drop rate or something its pretty hard to get 600k last i recall from previous events while compared to pps thousands of people likely got the highest reward for Osawari's stuff, which should also help you to make a decent starting group vic.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Hours? I think it took me 2 days or more before i ran out of the endless stamina :P

    That said, i guess this event is more to reward people who play both games.

    ...and get a few unlucky people to work their asses off.

  9. #9
    Well im glad that i got makina now.Getting 600k in EG was very easy, but getting the same in osawari is impossible without a booster.
    Osawari Island LV:96 Mobile Code: FUFB94NVST
    PeroPero Seduction LV:51 SED: ~990k ID:398275
    Duel Squad LV:70 (RIP)
    Girls Kingdom LV:70 Castle LV:10 (Quit)
    Flower Knight Girl LV:90 Power:330k ID:514096129
    Dragon Providence Total LV:233 CBP:1103411

  10. #10
    Well I have Makina already. However, I'm willing to work my ass off for Karen doe lol. Highest lv so far in OI Is 33.
    PeroPero Seduction
    Shunnosuke ID: 127088

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