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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #311
    Not the first 6* I've pulled, but I just pulled this while making a roll for Dianthus with my new alt's first 50 FGs.

    Share your 6* girls - if you ever get one-untitled.jpg

    I already pulled her last month on my main account, so while I can't complain about my luck (four 6*s in a month) I do wish I could have fused her. Oh well, she's still my favourite Flower Knight, and Dianthus isn't going anywhere. Guess this second rerolling of her makes her my official Waifu.

  2. #312

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Items Thread Title Style Change
    Okay, I already have (over) a dozen Rainbow Girls, but this is the first one I pull against the usual 0.5% rate:

    YAY! I've been wanting that one for ages, and there she is on the first pull I make for the event!

  3. #313

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I just did a single YOLO pull because I had some Nutaku gold to burn and...

    HOLY FUCK!!!

    What did I do to deserve such good luck?!

    Flower Knight Girl

    Username: MachThreeSlug
    ID: 163560706
    Level: 160
    Friend List: 42/52

  4. #314
    Buyers remorse is creeping down on me
    FKG ID - 736832430

  5. #315

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by MachThreeSlug View Post
    I just did a single YOLO pull because I had some Nutaku gold to burn and...

    HOLY FUCK!!!

    What did I do to deserve such good luck?!
    You one lucky motherf**** !
    Treasure her like no other or I`ll come around and rip your balls off !
    On a more serious note though (can we be even serious after such a start haha) gratz man, she is an amazing girl with bloomed form to add. Thumbs up on the pull
    Last edited by Myrdin; 04-05-2017 at 06:38 AM.

  6. #316

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    Why you guy are so lucky with gacha? Why I only got crap or I don't need anymore. Give me a piece of that indecent luck.
    I hate you so much for this but congrats you two!

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #317

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    My 1st 6* at the normal 0.5% chance and she was from a 100g YOLO Pull.

    Share your 6* girls - if you ever get one-yolo-pull.jpg

  8. #318
    Unregistered Guest
    Last event, I hit the 50 gem tally, and went to do a 10+1.

    I had just recently noticed (since I normally click to skip the animation) the little detail that the flower pot changes color based upon the rarity of the girls in your upcoming draw. So, as I clicked on the "Draw!" button, I watched it poof from bronze, to silver, to gold. "Oh, that's nice," I thought. "At least I got something 5-star. I wonder what the flower pot looks like for 6-star; a rainbow pot must look hideo-"

    And then the pot poofed again. And it was, indeed, an obnoxiously hideous rainbow flower pot. I think my brain froze for a moment, just out of sheer disbelief. Seeds go up, seeds go down, brain starts functioning again, wait was that what I just thought it wa-

    ...Oh. Hello there, Mistletoe.

    (I'd post an image but apparently I can't as unregistered and I'm lazy.)

    And I must say, though I was not quite a fan of Mistletoe when I first saw her design... I think she's growing on me. Her battle skill being kind of hilarious helps, too.

  9. #319
    Pulled this a few days ago on my birthday. I guess this is a pretty decent pull

    Share your 6* girls - if you ever get one-screenshot-01.04.2017-04_06_26.jpg

  10. #320
    Unregistered Guest
    What. That is NOT decent.

    I have yet to have that kind of pull (rainbow + several golds), let alone a rainbow. Never had one yet.

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