Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
So first half of the events up, cleared it pretty easily.

Do people think that farming the last map is viable? ?-4 has 40 stam for 500 xp (12.5 ratio) and most of the time you get 5 boxes, which lets you get a lot of gifts. Also I've been getting a lot of gacha seeds from it, like upwards of 700 a run. Only down side is you don't get any manyus, at least I haven't.

Also ?-3 is ridiculous with rng. I had all of my squads fight the boss with 1% hp cause they got stuck in the loop for so long lol.

In case people are interested my total power is ~100k and squads are 40k,24k,20k,15k and I did the clears with about 30k power helpers.
As for myself, i will spam the ?-3 : nice xp ratio (13,33) and 100% chance to get 5 chests. I don't really look the gacha seeds so i can't give an average, got 450 of them on my latest run though.