Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
I'm sticking with the 2* strategy (even if my 2* is lvl 29 and quite affectionate, but 600-1100 damage gladly doesn't make a dent in any raidboss over lvl 45, which are the ones that matter).
Only exception: if I see a raidboss has less than 15 minutes left, then all bets are off and I might nuke away, which I think is a fair strategy, given how most boss timers last several hours.
True, we have 2 weeks to get around 5k of the event item, and since people are going to be generating them left and right, there's no rush, so I suppose usual strategy should suffice. I did find out before leaving for work this morning that my Squad 1 can kill a level 50 Event RB with 1 RP lol, such wasted potential... XD

Is there ANY event where regular nuking is actually the suggested method? That +35% Team Attack that only works on RBs is SO wasted if there isn't.