Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
Because like mentioned, it was a recent change and not "Nutaku is out to screw you over because they hate free players".

Yeah, Nutaku does a lot of shitty things with other games (hi SenPro), but a little bit of thinking goes a long way here. Has Nutaku FKG changed ANY other map just to fuck with players? Like physically moved around nodes to make the map harder?

No? Then why the fuck is that your first conclusion here?
Had I been displaying such train of thoughts in the first place I might have been in agreement with you there. However by no margin have I explicitly taken is a "done deal" thing - "Yes Nutaku wants to raise the heat a bit, they certainly did this in order to screw around with us players". None of that. While I might have been entertaining the thought of such a thing, it would have been not for the thing itself, rather than WHY would they do it, or even better WHAT was the thought process behind such a change - which ultimately was the core of my inquiry.

Why you ask ? Because it seems to me rather damn bloody obvious just HOW inconsistent Nutaku is in their endeavors. As I mentioned in another thread it feels almost "schizophrenic" like they do one thing at first and then do the complete opposite for no other reason as to just contradict themselves. Seeing such an erratic behavior... one may hardly fault me for thinking them do things for no logical reason other than "just because".