Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
And again, why should being casual hold the same weight as someone who makes the time to play the game more often? Forget for a moment the entire concept of paying for stamina refills...the game's stamina doesn't fill fast enough to make anyone not working 12 hour shifts miss out on anything except gatherings...you are totally in control of how much you play. If someone thinks its important to them to play from day one, devote the brainpower to plan how best to use all their stamina to progress efficiently, and follow through with that plan, why shouldn't their voice count for more than someone who just doesn't bother?
There's a big difference between people that don't bother and people that really want to but can't.
People that don't bother include: Not voting: their voice doesn't exist since they didn't speak. Having plenty of time, but don't really care enough to fully commit: these people still have voices, but they have decided that the reward is not worth the work. They themselves cause the de-grading of their opinion by not trying their hardest to make a difference, however, if the gacha was 1 vote per person then this person would vote without question.

So people who are relatively new to the game should not have as much of an impac? Even though a very good company strategy would be the introduction and inclusion of new players to potentially boost sales. I don't think a lot of newer players are happy that their 50 votes being absolutely overshadowed. People with poor internet connections or shared computers, that can only find one hour or so to play, are also under the mercy of time. There are some people who don't care, but don't lump every person in that group just because they can't dedicate 3 hours a day to running the same map over and over. I certainly hated the first few times I had to grind areas to get SG's, but I'm used to it now. Others may not be so used to it.