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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Again, I question how a day one player did not know that link was there when settings get reset (or used to, anyway) every maintenance and suddenly, one day, there's a new button next to the settings button.

    By "stupid people", I'm lumping you in with the common Facebook user who can't read simple directions or know about common sense. Or the people who think that FKG needs breaks when the reason this game is doing so well compared to Nutaku's other games *coughAigiscough* is because there's always something to do (though admittedly the last event was super-grindy if you couldn't get the last skillbloom until the last day).

    Because, like Ivan says, I cannot fathom why you made the decisions you did and still expect sympathy for it, much like I look at the average Facebook post and wonder why they can't do an ounce of research before posting about their fuck-ups.

  2. #2
    How did I not know it was there? Because when I start, I click the same damn stuff always click, and get on with it. I don't inspect every crevice of the front page, "hey, whats this?" I mess with the volume setting, thats about it. Everything else is functional. And I've never needed HELP like this, as I stated before. Have you considered being some sort of detective, because you're apparently far more steeped in observational skills than a guy (me) who actually ranks on a hyper-awareness chart. You've gotta be in the top 2 percentile, man, put that stuff to use. As for "not fathoming," I already told you. Multiple times. You don't need to fathom, you need to listen. Or read. They took it away early. I'm usually on the ball, some things lined up here and I didn't get her early. I thought "eh, who cares, that crap is always around after the event ends anyways." And THIS TIME it wasn't. Why? I'd love to hear the "Why." (And I'm not even on Facebook. Or Twitter. Someone once told me "if you aren't on either of those places, you're off the grid." I guess I'm off the grid.)

    --And I just hit Lv100. Meister is one of my Allies, he can confirm if you really, really, really need to know.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Just going to add this.... the date on all of the advertising for when you could claim her never changed and it was 100% accurate. I can also say with 100% accuracy that even tho the gatcha was there you could not roll on it after the event time ended. It's just that being the first 'event gatcha' they have not bothered to get rid of that coding. Having event stuff up but not working after an event has ended is actually a fairly common FKG tradition that anyone who started day 1 like I did would know about.

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