Quote Originally Posted by noheart09 View Post
no,to be more honest,this deal is making me think: why do something like this? kk,maybe because of the black friday deal or the xmas rose lovers,but a deal like this is meaningless and i just cant understand it at all.
oh well if they are happy to lose customers like this.
pls if anyone understood the secret meaning(apart from just trying to make money out of whales) behind such a deal pls tell me.
To be completely honest, this feels to me as if Nutaku had schizophrenia. I mean consider this. The sheer difference in the deals they offer. Once in a time they put a really good deal that even non paying (normally) players take, and other times they completely contradict this understanding of the market with nonsensical rubbish like this.
It doesnt feel consistent enough to be the doings of one person. More like multiple people are trying to pull the ropes at the same time. If we are lucky the more sensible one who understand at least a bit of market logic win the draw and we get a good deal, but most often than not, some "get rich fast - has no idea how it works in actuallity" asshole comes on top.
Coz I dont believe a single person could be doing this, unless of course they had a split personality dissorder or some other mental demerit of their own. Its just to damn inconsistent.