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  1. #51
    Xiros Guest
    At this point, who is the best Hit class of Flowers Knights Girls??

    My help squad have Sakura, Ardisia, Black Baccara and Daisy, I think that i will get Cherry, but i dont know....

    any tips? (and sorry with my english xDD)

  2. #52

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    because it's actually good to inject wrong connotations to people's words and you even had to fabricate a percentage for it lol

    sorry, not interested in going to jail

    and while i'm at it, Daisy is the ugliest bitch
    >that spoiler


    Quote Originally Posted by Xiros View Post
    At this point, who is the best Hit class of Flowers Knights Girls??

    My help squad have Sakura, Ardisia, Black Baccara and Daisy, I think that i will get Cherry, but i dont know....

    any tips? (and sorry with my english xDD)
    Cherry for utility.
    Lagurus for speed.
    Hanamomo/Viola for loli.
    Dendrobium for highest ever TP and because she's fucking Dendrobium.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 04-14-2017 at 04:42 PM.

  3. Ah, I see my lolicon gang now.

    Quote Originally Posted by XDrakeX View Post
    Ah dont worry from my experiences 80% of the guys who say they dont like lolis secretly like them. They are just to embarrassed to admit it ^^
    Good to know, man.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xiros View Post
    At this point, who is the best Hit class of Flowers Knights Girls??

    My help squad have Sakura, Ardisia, Black Baccara and Daisy, I think that i will get Cherry, but i dont know....

    any tips? (and sorry with my english xDD)
    Addition to what Eab said:
    Cherry has ATK down ability (-15% to all enemies) which is very good for nerfing pests.
    Hanamomo does hell lotta damage (3.6x) to a single enemy.
    Dendrobium has 2x skill activation for the 1st turn only. If you power her skill up, it usually mops enemies up within the 1st turn.

    I would suggest Dendrobium but since you're thinking of getting Cherry, you can go ahead coz all 6★ girls are damn strong anyways. Btw, if you did pick Cherry, she goes very well with Sakura (later on when they get their Bloomed Form) in terms of killing high-level Raid Bosses since their ability gives additional damage during Raid Boss combat. With both their abilities combined, the party's ATK can go up to a fucking 108% increase!!

  4. TFW the future Viola(Yukata) version has a bloom form, but the original Viola does not.
    Flower Knight Girl ID: 716597775
    Level 155. Total Power ~546000

  5. #55
    I totally forgot about Snapdragon! Don't own her myself, but she'd be a welcome addition.

    I rather like Christmas Rose as far as hit types go but that's mostly because I have her and she grew on me. Can see why most people wouldn't pick the Christmas Nightmare as a go-to favourite girl for the Hit type.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  6. Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    I think we have not much lolis 6* girl for now so it's be normal.
    I'm interest in Viola / Flowering Peach / Pumpkin
    but if I pick one (or more) of them I have to dramatic change my current tactic.
    So I just stick with lolis I have.
    Actually, I don't think it's really necessary to pick a 6★ girl just to suit your squad. All 6★ girls are good in my opinion since they all have ATK up ability. So they'll do well in any squad. Btw, what exactly is your current "tactic"? If you have problems deciding which 6★ to get, I can help you. Maybe you can tell me (or even show me) your squad so I can suggest a girl based on your "tactic".

  7. #57
    First time posting here. Been a long time outside observer and figured might as well join in the conversations/fun here. Nice to meet you all. I've already got 3 rainbows I'm trying to round out for a team. Unfortunately, still have yet to roll for a rainbow as all of these I currently have were through Nutaku deals. I'm no whale but I don't mind dropping a little money here and there to help support the people working behind the scenes on FKG because it's their jobs after all.

    Anyway, my Easter roll got me only a Camellia dupe for a gold. Mixed feelings on that. Also since my birthday is coming up (and $20 worth Nutaku gold after 1500 leaves me 500 to play with), I went for the first 2 steps of the other Gatcha: 1st being a silver (bumer) and 2nd got 2 new golds: Madonna and Gerbera. That made me happier after my Easter roll.

    But I'm torn on which rainbows. Currently have Alpina, Maple, and Lycoris. Heaven only knows FKG loves to give me Slicers in abundance. So I need a Hit and Pierce to try and round things out. Btw, I'm a mixed bag on choosing: sometimes going for more waifu than strategy or vice versa (not a big loli fan) depending on the girl. I'm starting to lean more strategy on this pick, but what Pierce/Hit types would best round out what I have currently? So far I like Cherry and Anemone though but am open to other suggestions. Thanks all!

  8. #58

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodsport Bloom View Post
    I totally forgot about Snapdragon! Don't own her myself, but she'd be a welcome addition.

    I rather like Christmas Rose as far as hit types go but that's mostly because I have her and she grew on me. Can see why most people wouldn't pick the Christmas Nightmare as a go-to favourite girl for the Hit type.
    Christmas Rose is one of the girls I'm eyeing every time we get some "pick your 6*" deal. Still picked Helenium this time though. And Snapdragon with the current Stepup Gacha. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to unlock their jewelry slots, so they can replace Rose and Bonci (Bonci would probably get moved to the debuff squad then).

  9. Man, I don't know who to grab for the ticket! I haven't purchased it yet, but I will. Just not sure on who to choose. :/

    I really like Maple, and her design, but I'm already swimming in Slice 6* characters (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Kerria, Victoria). Lagurus is cute, but I have two Hit (Flowering Peach, Cactace). I only have one Pierce/Magic, so I'm kind of siding towards getting one of those. None of the other Pierce characters really interest me right now though (the one I do have is Anemone), as for Magic I only have Sakura, and Lycoris is really tempting me (her voice makes me melt).

    I've basically narrowed it down to:

    Maple (not sure I want another Slice though...)

    I'm kind of leaning towards Lycoris right now, but a part of me is still hesitant. GAH! How can I choose!?

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by vysethevaliant View Post
    Man, I don't know who to grab for the ticket! I haven't purchased it yet, but I will. Just not sure on who to choose. :/

    I really like Maple, and her design, but I'm already swimming in Slice 6* characters (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Kerria, Victoria). Lagurus is cute, but I have two Hit (Flowering Peach, Cactace). I only have one Pierce/Magic, so I'm kind of siding towards getting one of those. None of the other Pierce characters really interest me right now though (the one I do have is Anemone), as for Magic I only have Sakura, and Lycoris is really tempting me (her voice makes me melt).

    I've basically narrowed it down to:

    Maple (not sure I want another Slice though...)

    I'm kind of leaning towards Lycoris right now, but a part of me is still hesitant. GAH! How can I choose!?
    I have Lycoris and by far one of my favorite Magics. I love how her gather has 3 running animations and 3 celebration animations (the rare one where she becomes naked surrounded by her magic cards was a pleasant and amusing surprise. Her skill always does such good damage when I need her to. Keep in mind she is also leading the poll significantly now. So you can try having a shot at her that way in the future Gatcha. I also have Maple. Her Evolved form is one I love with that confident smile in her samurai armor. Her skill is also badass. Just reminds me of Ichigo from Bleach a lot.

    I'm on the fence between Anemone and Cherry. How's your experience been with Anemone, if I may ask?

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