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  1. #111
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    They haven't changed nothing actually, they just start the race latter than DMM. But it seems they failed Nazuna predictions?
    Here is the results:
    Day 1: Flamingo Plant (Justica), 30x payout
    Day 2: Aster, 10x payout
    Day 3: Japanese Rowan, 50x payout
    Day 4: Gladiolus (?), 100x payout
    Day 5: Hollyhock, 20x payout
    Day 6: Green Foxtail (Seratia), 10x payout
    Day 7: Yulan, 100x payout
    Day 8: Flamingo Plant (Justica), 20x payout
    Day 9: Hollyhock, 30x payout
    Day 10: Nerine, 50x payout

    But Nutaku started at Day 6 instead of Day 1. Just compare the winner with the girls presents in the race and the x payout. I'm pretty sure the next will be x100 Yulan (and guess what, Yulan is in the 2nd race with a x100 payout).
    Thanks Idon'tRememberWho for the winner list. It will be helpful for everyone.
    You're ignoring all of the other racers. Day 6 had Aster, Priscilla Gladiolus, Southern Cross and Yulan.

  2. #112

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You're ignoring all of the other racers. Day 6 had Aster, Priscilla Gladiolus, Southern Cross and Yulan.
    He's listing the winners. Why bother listing the others?

  3. #113
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Taon View Post
    He's listing the winners. Why bother listing the others?
    Because it's a completely different race. Setaria winning Day 6 on DMM is coincidental to her winning Day 1 on Nutaku.

  4. #114

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    Darn it 100-1 odds put me down for 100

  5. #115

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Because it's a completely different race. Setaria winning Day 6 on DMM is coincidental to her winning Day 1 on Nutaku.
    I'm not following you at all. If you're suggesting that Day 6 was Day 1 for Nutaku, Day 6 had racers that weren't even present for Day 1 on Nutaku.

    Yeah, Setaria won the first race on Nutaku, which strongly suggests that the results have been randomized.

    edit: Oh, I see; you're arguing against maotd's assertion about Day 6 being the Day 1 for Nutaku. Yeah, I don't believe that to be the case; I think the results have been randomized instead of the racers and we're now on Day 2 instead of 7; the Day 2 racers are all matched, if it were Day 7 we'd have different racers.


    One thing I do see and I wonder if this is what maotd meant: if -only- the results were offset by 5, but not the racers.

    Day 1: Setaria was in the lineup that we saw, but won Day 6 against different racers.
    Day 2: Yulan is in the lineup, but won Day 7 against different racers.
    Day 3: Justicia is in the lineup but won Day 8 against different racers.
    Day 4: Hollyhock is in the lineup but won Day 9 against different racers.
    Day 5: Nerine is in the lineup but won Day 10 against different racers.

    If this is what's happening, then maotd is correct that Yulan will win today's race and Justicia should win tomorrow's, then Hollyhock, and finally Nerine. Then maybe loop back to Day 1's winner for Day 6.
    Last edited by Taon; 09-27-2017 at 06:06 AM.

  6. #116

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    the outcome let suggest, that they can manipulate the race-animation. so we can't predict who wins next.
    so 20 on each girl...

    and if that's the case, they realy put more effort in changing the results than fixing some bugs or giving us some compensation for the last "bugdate". they realy know how to ruin the fun.
    Last edited by paraphin; 09-27-2017 at 06:29 AM.
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  7. #117

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    You're ignoring all of the other racers. Day 6 had Aster, Priscilla Gladiolus, Southern Cross and Yulan.
    Yeah. You're right. That a curious coincidence. Maybe was just lucky.
    But it change nothing actually. If I'm right, the results are true and it's easy to get all the bets. If they have just randomized the race, nobody can guess the Nutaku winner and win all the races. In any case, I guess trying with DMM winners is the best thing to do now. If I fail and Yulan don't wins... I hope someone has a better idea. If Yulan wins the race, let's try Justicia.
    At least, it make this event a bit more fun.

    So, sorry if I'm wrong. I used that result list without referring to the wikia page.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #118
    Unregistered Guest
    Maybe 10x will win every race, followed by 20, 30, 50 and lastly 100.

  9. #119

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    It's not like I'm short on pearls, since I cleared the event dailies and also had some left from yesterday. So I put 100 on Yulan and 30 on each of the other girls.

    Admittedly, I could've spread out my bets differently to make a specific win regardles of who'd win, like:
    10 on Yulan (*100, payout: 1,000)
    20 on Priscilla (*50, payout: 1,000)
    33 on Hollyhock (*30, payout: 990)
    50 on Southern Cross (*20, payout 1,000)
    100 on Aster (*10, payout 1,000)

    Total cost would be 213 pearls, where I invested 220 pearls now.
    But, 1,000 cocktails isn't too much compared to what I gather on a day, so I think spreading out the investment more evenly would yield better winnings.
    Placing 40 pearls on each girl would yield:
    Yulan: 4,000
    Priscilla: 2,000
    Hollyhock: 1,200
    Southern Cross: 800
    Aster: 400

    Betting 100 pearls on the top 2 girls for each race would probably be more profitable in the long run than betting any pearls at all on the last two girls.
    Last edited by Drip; 09-27-2017 at 07:24 AM.

  10. #120

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    i bet 100 on yulan today and 20 on the other girls.
    if she wins tomorrow, we might got it and if not, this event will cost me some FG -.-
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

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