I know it took few days longer, but RL caught up to me and I am in the process of recovering from completely random and unexpecte cold

Anyway here she is:

FriendlyFacez - Lily (original name on the FKG Wiki), a.k.a Madonna

Full Size


Personally I really dont like her pre-evo form, those boots and the pose just dont sit right with me, when compared to her evo, and bloomed artworks. And while I normally do these in a way to satisfy the requestor, its also important that I feel good about the final product I put out.
As such I would have not normally used the artwork I am uncomfortable with (i.e. her basic form artwork), but this time its an exception since it was part of the request - you said you prefer her basic with her adorable wink, and if it is a wink you want, it will be a wink you get good sir, for I am one honorable mofu :3 (obligatory mofu insertion - check) and I want you be able to enjoy your new signature