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  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Myrdins "Custom Signatures Workshop"

    Hey guys.

    So after much thought, I decided make this thread and throw these out there.
    So what is this whole thing about you ask ? Well ... ?
    Its the Custom Signatures Workshop of course ! Moffu :3

    Ever wanted to show your love for you Wiafu while also having her promote your ID for your future new allies, but just dont know how to make something like that ?
    Thats where the Custom Signatures Workshop comes in to save the day !
    ~tam tadaa tam tam taaaaa~~~~ Yaaai !

    ...Right, bullshit and the non existent CG and orchestra aside, lets get to the point shall we ?

    So how do I get one ?
    Its very simple. Under the spoiler tabs you can see the Signatures I made for some of the forum members as a reference.
    If you would like to have a Signature like this you need to do just two things:

    *Let me know in the thread or via PM (though thread is better, might not notice the PM) which Flower Knight Girl would you like showcased in your signature.
    *Your player ID > This can be your Nutaku ID, DMM ID, both, or none at all, in which case the bottom line stays empty for you to fill in anytime you want.
    *There is also the option to put in your Forum Name instead of the player ID, if you would like it to be done like that let me know in the comment.

    ** These signatures are primarily done for the HBC FKG community here. While I would prefer you not take them outside this forum, I dont mind if you wish to take them to other boards, for example to HimeUta or anywhere else, but please be open about it when requesting and give credit if asked about.
    However for the sake of listing, you need to be a registered member, so I can assign a name to the final product.
    If you are an Unregistered member either please register or leave your nickname with your request.
    Atm I am still fairly apprehensive to create these for Unregistered requesters.**

    How to get it to work: Right click the picture to get the URL. Got to your account settings to Signatures and put the URL in the signature text box with the [img]text[/img] format, simple as that. Dont use the "signature" options below. It wont work, just take the line IMG signature IMG and copy paste it into the text window.

    Claimed by Forum Members
    Skasio - Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride)

    Full Size v2


    Kurenai - Alpinia

    Full version


    Hungry Hunter - Veronica (Nun)

    Full version


    My own - Helenium

    Full Size


    Wutan - Maple

    Full Size


    ShadwNinjaX - Tiger Lily

    Full size


    twilightdream- Toad Lily

    Full size


    Sasara Kusugawa- Nerine

    Full size


    Handu - Mei Plumblossom (Yukata)

    Full size


    Ceekay - Texas Bluebell

    Full Size


    Caitlenren - Belladona

    Full Size


    mega94all - Dipladenia

    Full Size


    Sound- Saffron

    Full Size


    Taon - Poppy

    Full Size


    FriendlyFacez - Lily (original name on the FKG Wiki), a.k.a Madonna

    Full Size


    Condu - Sakura

    Full Size


    whosyourdaddy - Red Spider Lily

    Full Size


    Tomitain - Chocolate Lily (Friti)

    Full Size



    Not claimed yet

    Unclaimed - Wax Wine (Xmass)

    Full Size


    Unclaimed - Black Baccara

    Full Size


    Unclaimed - Daisy

    Full Size


    Unclaimed - Cepha Lanterna

    Full Size


    Unclaimed - Rose Diana

    Full Size



    If you like what you`ve seen, dont hesitate to request a Signature. I enjoy doing these so if you worry about bothering me or something, don't. I wouldn't be offering this if didn't enjoy it. I`ll happily make one for you once I get some time to do so.

    **Should you feel like the font size in your signature is to small, or hard to read, being blurry or whatnot, don't hesitate to write me a PM. I have been updating some of the signatures with bigger font size to make it easier to read (especially in case of my older signatures), this also applies for signatures that have darker colored text window.**

    Disclaimer: I can do the same girl multiple times in case if someone already you to it, but as explained in a comment on the next page, it might not be always possible to get it to a satisfying result, in which case I will decline the request and you`ll have to choose a different one. Different versions of the same girl (like a 5* and 6* version for example) are fine though, but the same rule applies.
    Also I cant guarantee the date of completion, I am doing these when I have some extra time at hand.

    *If you are using one of these and enjoy my work, feel free to put "Signature done by Myrdin" in tiny letters underneath it as a sign of appreciation or at least say to say thank you, though I will not force anyone.
    Or you can copy paste this line that Taon made that also serves as redirection to this thread when clicked:
    Use the following, but remove the slash in "[/URL=" and the slash in "[/I]":

    [/URL=http://harem-battle.club/flower-knight-girl/3854-myrdins-custom-signatures-workshop.html][/I]Signature by Myrdin[/i][/url]
    Last edited by Myrdin; 10-02-2018 at 01:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Could I request a signature with Belladonna? My Nutaku ID is 7650625.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Items User Name Style Change
    You made a thread after all. Not sure if I should...

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    If you like what you`ve seen, dont hesitate to request a Signature.
    Ok, you convinced me.

    Knight of choice: one and only, my cute wife - Oncidium, a.k.a. Dancing Lady Orchid.
    My DMM ID is 611662165, and you can leave Nutaku part blank/remove it, or put my forum name here, whatever will make it look better. I'll leave this to you.

    Yup. That's pretty much it. Do your magic. I'll just sit here and wait.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by skasio View Post
    You made a thread after all. Not sure if I should...
    Ok, you convinced me.
    My pleasure

    Quote Originally Posted by skasio View Post
    Knight of choice: one and only, my cute wife - Oncidium, a.k.a. Dancing Lady Orchid.
    My DMM ID is 611662165, and you can leave Nutaku part blank/remove it, or put my forum name here, whatever will make it look better. I'll leave this to you.

    Yup. That's pretty much it. Do your magic. I'll just sit here and wait.
    Abraka dabra mofumofumofufu.... Error...parameters not valid, please fill in the blanks.

    Would have done the sig. for you if you asked, no need to wait for me to create a thread, silly cat girl moffu moff moff
    But yeah, pretty much that.

    Important: Would you like the 6* Version, or the 5* version ?
    Choosing one will leave the other open for someone else to pick up if they want to.


    Unregistered: Please refer to the Opening Post, I have updated some additional information (in red color) for the future. I will keep her reserved for you for a few days or until you have updated me with the necessary info.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-22-2017 at 10:17 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post

    Please refer to the Opening Post, I have updated some additional information (in red color) for the future. I will keep her reserved for you for a few days or until you have updated me with the necessary info.
    Well, I just registered here. Hello.

    ID: 825009729 (As I couldn't add to that previous post.)
    Last edited by Caitlenren; 09-23-2017 at 06:24 AM.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Items User Name Style Change
    5* or 6*... 5 or 6... 5. 6. 5... 6... Hard choice. I think I'll go for 6*. Yes. Bride Onci is best Onci.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Both requests noted, girls reserved. Will be done and uploaded into the thread tomorrow (visit the first post for the update).
    I`ll post a comment into the thread once its up. *thumbsup* (one more time > Mods please add a thup smiley, its absolutely necessary )

  8. Question: Why won't you do the same girl twice? Is it because it's a signature so everyone must have a different one?

    *scrolls down the list*
    *stares at twilightdream for taking Nerine slot*

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasara Kusugawa View Post
    Question: Why won't you do the same girl twice? Is it because it's a signature so everyone must have a different one?

    *scrolls down the list*
    *stares at twilightdream for taking Nerine slot*
    I wrote you a message regarding Nerine. As for the Question itself allow me to explain to the best of my abilities:

    The reason why I dont wanna do each girl twice is, that I do these for fun, and as such I am spending a LOT of time looking for the best possible flower picture out there, that I can get my hands onto.
    Since I already got everything prepared and have the creation process down to pretty much just basic moving images parts on top of each other, selecting the most ideal color and adding the text "bubble", sharpening and then creating a secondary smaller version, the picture search is the part that takes the most time.
    As such I am fairly confident that I would be hard pressed to find another "ideal" picture for someone who request a double of the same girl. While I might find a good one that fits both with color, the theme and is good for editing, it might be not of the same standard.

    Now there are exceptions to this rule in two cases: As mentioned in the OP - I will do a double for girls that have multiple versions. In this case its first to come first to choose which version, and the next person requesting the same girl gets the second version OR in case of the girls with Bloomed who have 3 art styles, one of the two unused.
    Second exception would be if you can provide me with a appropriate picture of the Flower that symbolizes your Flower Knight of choosing. The picture need to be in medium or high resolution, and must have enough "border" space on all sides so when I add the Girls and the Logo the Flower is still nicely displayed in the center and not completely covered by each.

    That and the fact that its nice to have unique signatures per person. I think the people themselves are happy about their signatures and the fact that each of them is exclusively theirs. At least if its done in this style.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-22-2017 at 01:04 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2016
    And done !
    Now guys I must say, these two were quite difficult to get done right till I was satisfied with it.

    Skasio - Dancing Lady Orchid (Bride)
    Cloth Version

    Full Size v1

    Signature v1

    Natural Version

    Full Size v2

    Signature v2

    For Onci, there are two versions. One was thematic with piece of cloth in the background to symbolize the "Bride" theme. The flower themselves were placed in a vase, but I edited it out. I chose this one in the mindset that she is becoming a Bride, instead of going with the wild growing ones I would use for the 5* version, this was meant to symbolize that she has composed herself, calmed down and is ready to become a Wife (and presumably a mother).
    However with that being said, since every single of my signatures has the flowers with natural background I wasnt satisfied with it, due to this. Hence I looked around (for quite some time I must admit, you would be surprised how hard it was find one where the colors were just right to reflect both of her dresses) and found this one, where the flower still feel "tame" and calm, but have the natural background behind them going. Thus a second version was made, both working with the theme I was going for. Feel free to choose whichever you want, and I`ll scrape the other

    Caitlenren - Belladona

    Full Size


    As for Belladona, I Had to re-do her 3 times each time with different background picture, because none of them were fitting. Since the flower is highly toxic, the amount of pictures is rather miniscule when compared to more prevelent "display" flowers.
    The first two attempts were quite nice, but due to the way they were taken, no matter how I resized and cut it, when Bella was added onto the pic she always covered the Flower itself (especially her Evo. version with that giant fckn gun of hers). Finally I settled for a picture with Bloomed flower and Fruits on it, and after done I must say it turned out above expectations.

    *Both Sigs will be also updated into the main OP for archiving and showcasing purposes.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-23-2017 at 06:30 AM.

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