Quote Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Hey everyone water main here with Rudra. I just pulled Gaia from the gacha and I'm pretty thrilled since I've been working on my wind team to cover my thunder weakness. So my question is - is it worth awakening Gaia? From my understanding, she has really strong damage mitigation that's good enough to put her into any team and since water has very few himes that can even be awakened to begin with (none of which I have), it seems okay to me? The only issue is that I only have 3 complete draconic eyes at the moment, so I'd be using all of them.

Thanks in advance!

So Awakened Gaia is a different beast compared to basic Gaia. Her damage cut gets thunder resistance and her block ability get upgraded from just giving her Defense (reduced damage) to nullify (which avoids all attack damage). That makes her very valuable once awakened and for difficult content. What I've had with her unawakened form is that she can block for everyone but x5 damage usually can kill her. Not so with nullify.

It also helps to make sure there isn't a more valuable hime to awaken on a better team, but you need to tell us what other teams and himes you have that can be awakened. (I recently awakened Michael and still need to awaken Satan and Hades because my Light team is stronger than my Dark team.)
