Quote Originally Posted by Overload View Post
Well I don't write much in the forum, but now I rly want to write sth.
Are you lot all bonkers? Why are you raging over some pink cases? I have EA in my list and I don't get bothered by it. Yeah he gets quite some amount of cases, but I also get my fair share and even if I wouldn't, I wouldn't go nuts for it.
So quit yapping and start to enjoy your games again...
The forum was thought for sharing infos, tactic etc. not for having a witch hunt.
1st) respect others opinions and not because you don't care does not mean it is not important and actually you are the bonkers
2nd) I answered "why" I have no problem to say it again : A) I care to give good gaming EXP to my friends so I remove cheaters . B)get all event SECs then be a pink macro and you can rank easily in top without to have to pay for recovery items I consider this to be extremely unfair
3rd) you get your satisfying share of pinks because not all your friends are friends of EASS make sure they add him then let's see if you will get your satisfying share of pinks
4th) " The forum was thought for sharing infos, tactic etc ..." well... that is what I do now and it is a good tactic to avoid cheatrs