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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    I was not wrong when I said you are similar to hitler wife she does not care about her EVIL husband because he just fucks her and give her big enjoyment . you only care about yourself so you are selfish I am unlike you caring to give good gaming EXP to my freinds so I remove cheaters to give them a chance to open pink cases . you are poor weak in the same time this is because you do not know that you can rank for free if you cheat just get full multiplier and snatch all pink cases this will give tons of pero shake halves and radars so you have to pay only for SECs not recovery items and this is exteremly unfair this is why you are poor . and weak because there are alot other players who can take down your SEG so I advice you to find onther non EVIL non cheating husband to fuck you
    Last edited by Ladies lover; 03-11-2016 at 09:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Can't say I have any need for a husband to fuck me. I already have a wife and two girlfriends, so yeah... I'm pretty well taken care of in that regard.

    I'll also point out that I have a daughter that just turned four days old, and she cries less than you.

    I should also point out that it's not a matter of being selfish. It's a matter of having fun with the game. Clearly, the game is not fun for you because it stresses you out so much. Seriously, you spend your time studying a dude for two weeks? That can't be fun.

    But hey. To each their own. I'll stick to my ways of having fun, and you can enjoy your ways.
    Last edited by JSensei; 03-11-2016 at 10:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    Can't say I have any need for a husband to fuck me. I already have a wife and two girlfriends, so yeah... I'm pretty well taken care of in that regard.

    I'll also point out that I have a daughter that just turned four days old, and she cries less than you.

    I should also point out that it's not a matter of being selfish. It's a matter of having fun with the game. Clearly, the game is not fun for you because it stresses you out so much. Seriously, you spend your time studying a dude for two weeks? That can't be fun.

    But hey. To each their own. I'll stick to my ways of having fun, and you can enjoy your ways.
    man ! I thought you were playing dumb but now I am sure you are really dumb and not playing it .

    It was just an Express a metaphor !

    ok . since you are your wife's husband go open her pink cases and kill her SEGs .LOL

    I hope you got it.

  4. #4
    Normally I'm not this annoyed but I got enough going on irl to draw up a storm. And it doesn't help to be constantly reminded of the overly irritating complacency of this generation. This animosity is probably gonna come off as unpleasant, possibly unacceptable so to those not wanting to see it but having to do so anyways, I apologize in advance.

    I've been acquainted albeit briefly with EA and I've never really had the issue of my pink cases getting jacked excessively. I could still find some pinks to unlock and for this event I pretty much used up all my keys anyways. It helps that I have over 50 friends on PPS and I've tried to keep fairly active ones and while it doesn't compare to alot of the top players' 100, it's still something.

    Now maybe, MAYBE it was because I wasn't even paying attention to the note that my friends associated with EA were never giving me pink cases to open every time I checked. As far as I was concerned, it didn't matter; I often got more pink case requests from players probably not associated with a "macro" user than I had keys anyways and if I didn't use the keys, someone else would within the hour. But the fact of the matter is, I have the luxury of my friends NOT associated with someone allegedly doing these "macro" whatevers, and that made the event pleasant...well, whatever counts as pleasant given the unpleasantness of the event in general.

    Which is why I'm curious as to why you can't do the same. For all this bitching and whining about someone stealing "your" pink cases, you don't seem that aware of the note that players can't touch the cases of players they aren't friends of. If you're really, REALLY having trouble facing off against a player in a pink case showdown, ask this friend of yours if he/she can cut the cord, as the first issue would be that you want to keep your friends but you don't want your friends to keep theirs. If they refuse on that end, the alternative is to cut the cord yourself and get some new ones. It's that simple...seriously.

    But noooo, instead you jump on here and try to rile up the community with your "cheating" this and "macro" that and all the while having forgotten your common logic because you seem to think everyone's a greedy little socialist just like you. Well, FUCK YOU, you sad excuse for a kid. If you can't even figure your way around your self-perceived messes and have to go crying to the player base, you have no place here so go move to a nation that supports your uneducated backwards mindset or commit suicide and take your chances in the next world. This place could certainly afford one less shitty sheep.

    And don't go saying you're doing this for the other people...these so-called unspoken lost lambs in the same predicament you are in. They have just as much opportunity and power to take things into their own hands and make things work out. If they can't do something that fucking obvious, then they should fuck off all the same. Then again, I suppose it's suitable for you be the representative of these whiny little shit-stains, with your like minds that let you all stand in the circle to bleat to the world about its unfairness and all, hoping the collective shit-talk will amount to something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ladies lover View Post
    man ! I thought you were playing dumb but now I am sure you are really dumb and not playing it .

    It was just an Express a metaphor !

    ok . since you are your wife's husband go open her pink cases and kill her SEGs .LOL

    I hope you got it.
    Bad capitalization, bad spacing between punctuation, questionable punctuation to begin with, odd use of expressions...and I think I pick a hint of outright sexism there (nobody openly likes misogyny so you better not, you dick-for-brains)

    Common whiny loser mindset, all the more supported by you trying to taunt people with empty words in a lack of understanding of what people are actually saying. No one here's going to deem you worth talking to with that non-constructive shit so I have to wonder why you haven't stopped given the pointlessness of it all.

    Or what? Do you really think this is helpful to someone out there? Are you really so fucked up out of your mind that you think bitching like this is actually constructive in some way? If so, just get out, go ragequit at this game, ragequit at life. To me, you didn't exist up until this point and as far as I see it now, if this is all you're made of, you don't DESERVE to.

    On a semi-sympathetic note, I can more or less understand the stress, though it should really be directed at the event rather than individual players. This event was absurdly short, and...given the nature of how the event operates itself, panic was fairly warranted.

    I mean, think about it. Compared to certain other events, stage rewards are minimal but require quite a lot of stamina investment. For that matter, stamina can be wasted if a bad pick is made at the end of each stage, additional rewards are available through event points (which require Special Effect Cards through gacha, costs real money) or through these gold/silver/pink cases (which require keys, by-products of real money purchases). So out of all the event types in PPS to date, Gambit can be noted as one of the most (if not the outright most) high-cost, low-reward events out there. And since as gamers, we potentially judge OUR OWN progress and ability by the rewards we gain, not getting as much as we'd like deals a pretty heavy blow whether or not we realize it.

    And instead of taking it out on the event coordinators or the game itself, we find ourselves in the worst of times directing it unfairly to those who are just trying to make the best of something naturally shitty. Maybe it really is unfair, but then again, many things in life really aren't. In the natural course of things, we as humans ultimately suck it up and put up with it or if that isn't an option, go elsewhere and try to change the degree of unfairness to an acceptable level. Only time we stand up and fight all the way is when both of those options, and any other way of dealing with it in a civilized fashion, aren't acceptable.

    We often don't realize it, let alone openly admit to it much, but these events...for that matter ones in life that set such a stark contrast between people who have advantages and people who don't, can really wear down on us. I've been running 4 events all at the same time (Hitsuji Chronicle, PeroPero Seduction, Osawari Island, Millenium War Aigis) and the amount of real money it takes to get to a satisfactory (not even necessarily great) point in all of them is taxing...possibly more than what I can afford to begin with. I'm crossing Osawari and Aigis events off the list but even then...I plan to take a minimalist "don't care what I get or don't get" approach to PPS events after the next EG event and outright stop participating in the Hitsuji ones. There's just...too much stress to put up with and in trying to be the community-friendly person that I want to be, I'd hate myself if I chose to take all that stress and direct it at someone who's probably struggling all the same and most definitely undeserving of my rage.

    So the hypocrisy of this aside, for the sake of trying to keep things constructive...try to be reasonable here. As gamers, when an event wears down on us hard, we're all suffering. The least you can do is avoid trying to make a scapegoat for the masses just because history has shown it to work in the past.

    Anyone who finds the odd desire to move this to the thread that has much more flak under the idea that it'll make a point, be my guest. I'll be too busy playing Metal Gear Solid V and trying to keep up with the Hitsuji event to care. My statement will remain: if you can't be a reasonable, resourceful, constructive (or at least understanding) player, gtfo.
    Last edited by ChibiKika; 03-12-2016 at 05:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ChibiKika View Post
    Normally I'm not this annoyed but I got enough going on irl to draw up a storm. And it doesn't help to be constantly reminded of the overly irritating complacency of this generation. This animosity is probably gonna come off as unpleasant, possibly unacceptable so to those not wanting to see it but having to do so anyways, I apologize in advance.

    I've been acquainted albeit briefly with EA and I've never really had the issue of my pink cases getting jacked excessively. I could still find some pinks to unlock and for this event I pretty much used up all my keys anyways. It helps that I have over 50 friends on PPS and I've tried to keep fairly active ones and while it doesn't compare to alot of the top players' 100, it's still something.

    Now maybe, MAYBE it was because I wasn't even paying attention to the note that my friends associated with EA were never giving me pink cases to open every time I checked. As far as I was concerned, it didn't matter; I often got more pink case requests from players probably not associated with a "macro" user than I had keys anyways and if I didn't use the keys, someone else would within the hour. But the fact of the matter is, I have the luxury of my friends NOT associated with someone allegedly doing these "macro" whatevers, and that made the event pleasant...well, whatever counts as pleasant given the unpleasantness of the event in general.

    Which is why I'm curious as to why you can't do the same. For all this bitching and whining about someone stealing "your" pink cases, you don't seem that aware of the note that players can't touch the cases of players they aren't friends of. If you're really, REALLY having trouble facing off against a player in a pink case showdown, ask this friend of yours if he/she can cut the cord, as the first issue would be that you want to keep your friends but you don't want your friends to keep theirs. If they refuse on that end, the alternative is to cut the cord yourself and get some new ones. It's that simple...seriously.

    But noooo, instead you jump on here and try to rile up the community with your "cheating" this and "macro" that and all the while having forgotten your common logic because you seem to think everyone's a greedy little socialist just like you. Well, FUCK YOU, you sad excuse for a kid. If you can't even figure your way around your self-perceived messes and have to go crying to the player base, you have no place here so go move to a nation that supports your uneducated backwards mindset or commit suicide and take your chances in the next world. This place could certainly afford one less shitty sheep.

    And don't go saying you're doing this for the other people...these so-called unspoken lost lambs in the same predicament you are in. They have just as much opportunity and power to take things into their own hands and make things work out. If they can't do something that fucking obvious, then they should fuck off all the same. Then again, I suppose it's suitable for you be the representative of these whiny little shit-stains, with your like minds that let you all stand in the circle to bleat to the world about its unfairness and all, hoping the collective shit-talk will amount to something.

    Bad capitalization, bad spacing between punctuation, questionable punctuation to begin with, odd use of expressions...and I think I pick a hint of outright sexism there (nobody openly likes misogyny so you better not, you dick-for-brains)

    Common whiny loser mindset, all the more supported by you trying to taunt people with empty words in a lack of understanding of what people are actually saying. No one here's going to deem you worth talking to with that non-constructive shit so I have to wonder why you haven't stopped given the pointlessness of it all.

    Or what? Do you really think this is helpful to someone out there? Are you really so fucked up out of your mind that you think bitching like this is actually constructive in some way? If so, just get out, go ragequit at this game, ragequit at life. To me, you didn't exist up until this point and as far as I see it now, if this is all you're made of, you don't DESERVE to.

    On a semi-sympathetic note, I can more or less understand the stress, though it should really be directed at the event rather than individual players. This event was absurdly short, and...given the nature of how the event operates itself, panic was fairly warranted.

    I mean, think about it. Compared to certain other events, stage rewards are minimal but require quite a lot of stamina investment. For that matter, stamina can be wasted if a bad pick is made at the end of each stage, additional rewards are available through event points (which require Special Effect Cards through gacha, costs real money) or through these gold/silver/pink cases (which require keys, by-products of real money purchases). So out of all the event types in PPS to date, Gambit can be noted as one of the most (if not the outright most) high-cost, low-reward events out there. And since as gamers, we potentially judge OUR OWN progress and ability by the rewards we gain, not getting as much as we'd like deals a pretty heavy blow whether or not we realize it.

    And instead of taking it out on the event coordinators or the game itself, we find ourselves in the worst of times directing it unfairly to those who are just trying to make the best of something naturally shitty. Maybe it really is unfair, but then again, many things in life really aren't. In the natural course of things, we as humans ultimately suck it up and put up with it or if that isn't an option, go elsewhere and try to change the degree of unfairness to an acceptable level. Only time we stand up and fight all the way is when both of those options, and any other way of dealing with it in a civilized fashion, aren't acceptable.

    We often don't realize it, let alone openly admit to it much, but these events...for that matter ones in life that set such a stark contrast between people who have advantages and people who don't, can really wear down on us. I've been running 4 events all at the same time (Hitsuji Chronicle, PeroPero Seduction, Osawari Island, Millenium War Aigis) and the amount of real money it takes to get to a satisfactory (not even necessarily great) point in all of them is taxing...possibly more than what I can afford to begin with. I'm crossing Osawari and Aigis events off the list but even then...I plan to take a minimalist "don't care what I get or don't get" approach to PPS events after the next EG event and outright stop participating in the Hitsuji ones. There's just...too much stress to put up with and in trying to be the community-friendly person that I want to be, I'd hate myself if I chose to take all that stress and direct it at someone who's probably struggling all the same and most definitely undeserving of my rage.

    So the hypocrisy of this aside, for the sake of trying to keep things constructive...try to be reasonable here. As gamers, when an event wears down on us hard, we're all suffering. The least you can do is avoid trying to make a scapegoat for the masses just because history has shown it to work in the past.

    Anyone who finds the odd desire to move this to the thread that has much more flak under the idea that it'll make a point, be my guest. I'll be too busy playing Metal Gear Solid V and trying to keep up with the Hitsuji event to care. My statement will remain: if you can't be a reasonable, resourceful, constructive (or at least understanding) player, gtfo.
    You wouldn't happen to be American and 35 years old, would you? I'd vote for you for President of the United States in a heartbeat.

    In all seriousness, I want to commend this post as being THE most rational one I've seen on this forum. Ever. You speak eloquently, and I appreciate you taking the time to write it.

  6. #6
    Obama ruined hentai. Vote Trump.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    Obama ruined hentai. Vote Trump.
    Against my better judgement, I have to ask. How did Obama ruin hentai?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    Obama ruined hentai. Vote Trump.
    You know that Trump said at one point to close the Internet down, because it's too dangerous. I don't think so

    P.S.: Here is the quote:
    "We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    You wouldn't happen to be American and 35 years old, would you? I'd vote for you for President of the United States in a heartbeat.

    In all seriousness, I want to commend this post as being THE most rational one I've seen on this forum. Ever. You speak eloquently, and I appreciate you taking the time to write it.
    I'm just a runt here but I'd like to say in a wee voice that I agree. This is after all a game, not a prison. If we don't like it, we're free to exit.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ladies lover View Post
    I was not wrong when I said you are similar to hitler wife...
    I stopped reading after seeing hitler just to respectfully ask people to do one thing. Stop using one of history's most notorious killers to gripe about a click this, click that game just to get your point across. Its a little sickening when comparing the two.
    Pero pero ID 860997 Pie my girl for an add (1M non-event SED please)

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