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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

  1. #161
    It seems daily prizes are not being received all the sudden.

  2. #162
    I moved messege
    Last edited by Opalia24; 07-24-2015 at 11:53 AM.

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiEnVerde View Post

    - - - Updated - - -

    Last minute important retraction:
    Checking the final results of the first part, I can positively tell you there was absolutely no purge in this.

    The top5 are still the same players (Just 1st pulled the wool over everybody's eyes and did a 2k def wins upswing in the last 2hs), with the same amount of ridiculously cheated numbers.

    Ratio is notorius on later pos (16-30), where win rating was closer between players, specially with Tenhou who was 6 positions above me before that change.

    I forgot to take caps about the ranking before server lock (i'm working now),

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiEnVerde View Post

    - - - Updated - - -

    Last minute important retraction:
    Checking the final results of the first part, I can positively tell you there was absolutely no purge in this.

    The top5 are still the same players (Just 1st pulled the wool over everybody's eyes and did a 2k def wins upswing in the last 2hs), with the same amount of ridiculously cheated numbers.

    Ratio is notorius on later pos (16-30), where win rating was closer between players, specially with Tenhou who was 6 positions above me before that change.

    I forgot to take caps about the ranking before server lock (i'm working now),

  4. #164
    i get the bibe that the top are using other acount to get more def wins that any other, it don´t is cheat??
    yeah the trap deck could give u some def win BUT i don´t think that the people see the names in top with maxed cards and choose them to lose over and over lol
    well i don´t care for rank this time because the prizes are no good and i already got tons of pudding & peronamin to other event =D

  5. #165

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    Ratio is notorius on later pos (16-30), where win rating was closer between players, specially with Tenhou who was 6 positions above me before that change.
    I was actually as low as 14th at some point, but i had to go to bed, and thus my ranking went a fair bit down again to about 30, which i somewhat increased afterwards ending at 25. Not sure what you're saying that the change actually did to me :P

  6. #166
    I ended at 25th, but impact on chart shouldn't was big due to time was server down before ending. And it happened.

  7. #167
    I think it is save to say that almost all players who have more than 20 defensive wins atm cheat. Top players with almost 300 defensive wins what a joke.
    If cheathers are not punished hard and fast and loop hole is not closed more and more players will start to cheat.
    In the end Admins can't ban the cheaters because they will loose half the players and good and the honest players will be long gone.
    The players who spend money on a game are normally the good and honest players btw.

    There will alwasy be cheaters in games like this - but if there is litte reward form cheathing and it is difficult few players will cheat.
    Here is seems super easy to cheat and super rewarding to cheat and nobody been punished so far.
    I dont sugest that other players should cheat but that Nutaku start to do something. A good begining would to close that holes in the game that players use all the time.
    Fx: 1 attack per player on each other player per day. Just change the code use to select what opponents so players can pick.
    Another solution would be to make it cost 1 focus to refresh list of opponents.
    Last edited by Opalia24; 07-24-2015 at 01:47 PM.

  8. #168
    Your number is way too low. I have 16 defensive wins and I have a pretty junky deck (2 level 100 SR MOEs, a level 100 R MOE, a level 61 R MOE, and a level 86 SR Sexy). Because I tend to be a completionist and like to max out the cards I'm working on and didn't realize that Sexy's were a better choice for that strategy when I started it. With a better array of cards and ability to make a real trap deck, I'm sure I'd have quite a few more. Nowhere near as many as some, obviously, but more.

    I'm trying to figure out when the day resets. It apparently does not reset during the time period when missions reset? I did a few attacks this morning, and then when I got back this afternoon I was at 0 daily completions...

    Edit: In addition, with this deck I have a winning streak of 112 right now. So lower decks can do just fine attacking lower-ranked people (I have just been going after Rank 3's).
    Last edited by Shadowfae; 07-24-2015 at 03:14 PM.

  9. #169
    We are around 10000 players in this event. Look at players in top 100. Top 100 players normaly all have good deck and know how to play. More than 80 out of Top100 had less than 10 defensive wins at that time and top players had 300 defensive wins...
    I dont think 80-90% of top100 play stupid or dont have good so why do some players get 30 times more wins per hour all day long???

    I have the best Card maxed now and I tried to copy there decks. They still get 10-20 times more wins as me per hour - We have same decks!!!

    I only look at defensive wins ofcause.

  10. #170
    You meant 20 defensive wins since the 50% reset, then-- that would be where I had the disconnect. I was looking at total defense wins for the entire event which is what was confusing me.

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