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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Admittedly the only present difficulty (of sorts) of this event is that once you're past the lvl 50 point, AP is limited so you can only quest (and find raid bosses) so much mixed with the other issue that Valefor gets in the way (I swear, each game has its own translation staff because a good majority of the text in PPS and OI is fluid and comfortable to read while DP and HC feel downright abysmal at times. Seriously, "Walefol"?) and if you've been running Valefor for quite a bit before Juno came along, you end up getting mixed between a lvl 10 Juno you can 1-shot and a lvl 75+ Valefor you have to request reinforcements and wait out.

    As for the assisting others in reinforcement, it is, regrettably, very dependent on your connection speed because other than the lvl 100+ raid bosses, 2 people getting ahead of you usually results in the raid boss dying before you even make it to the page. In my case, my connection was good up until my landlord's wife relocated the modem/router to the other end of the house and now my connection's half-crap.

    In other words, "I feel ya, mon~"

  2. #2
    Just to note is it will get much easier to hit other peoples Juno's in a few days since people will start having significantly higher level ones that they can no longer one shot. Also i'd just recommend logging in every 1-2 hrs since I always seem to get a flurry of assistance requests when I first log in.

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