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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

  1. #161

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    Aug 2015
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    You're kinda assumings things bro.... This days i work at home , so i literally haven't left the house unless i had to shop , in...probably a week. I am in extra stage , and i used a pretty good amount of consumables as well. Only stuf i haven't used in a while were radars , but unless they can give me at least 15k , it's pointless to waste them. RNG has a lot to do with the amount of bouquetes we can get , and for a free player with only 3 normal slayer cards , it's pretty hard to aquire that amount unless he has good luck , or a pretty big stockpile of consumables. Which i still have quite a bit , but i don't see the point in wasting my all for 1 card....and still not be certain if i'll get it because of bad luck anyway.

  2. #162

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    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    You're kinda assumings things bro.... This days i work at home , so i literally haven't left the house unless i had to shop , in...probably a week. I am in extra stage , and i used a pretty good amount of consumables as well. Only stuf i haven't used in a while were radars , but unless they can give me at least 15k , it's pointless to waste them. RNG has a lot to do with the amount of bouquetes we can get , and for a free player with only 3 normal slayer cards , it's pretty hard to aquire that amount unless he has good luck , or a pretty big stockpile of consumables. Which i still have quite a bit , but i don't see the point in wasting my all for 1 card....and still not be certain if i'll get it because of bad luck anyway.
    Not assuming anything. I just posted all teh facts from my playthrough of the event.
    I'm a F2P player, have never dropped 1 gold into this game. I have only the 3 N-Slayers. Outside of using the namin halves I got from the event itself, I started with only a dozen (or two, can't remember exactly) namin halves. On top of that, I must have consumed 5 to 10 namins.

    That's it. I just played through.... And no, it was definitely not good luck. Over 75% of my chances have been 5~10 bouquets.

    The only injected consumables I had in this event were around 300 pink keys I bought in N-Gacha/Key bundles.
    THAT is what gave me enough radars to get many chances and reach these values.

    Is RNG involved? Of course.
    Is RNG the be-all end-all that surpases the Gods in this game? Not so much.
    Any RNG (no matter how much it hates you, and believe me they ALL hate me. Viscerally) can be overcome with enough overload of probabilities.
    That means spining the slot enough times that the laws of the universe itself say you have to get your desired reward.

    In this case? Spending 10 times more stamina give you 10 times more chances to spin right. Spending 10 times more keys give you 10 times more chances to get the right reward.
    That eventually builds up:
    10 times more right spins give you 10 times more chances of having keys/cases in the wild.
    10 times more cases/keys give you 10 times more chances of having radars.
    10 times more radars give you 10 times more chances to spin right.
    Rinse, repeat.

    As I said before: You need to find a delicate balance between overhoarding resources and overspending them.
    Also, the card itself is not really the best one out there (in fact is the second worst Moe card in current Nutaku PPS, just barely above Mayuko Abe).
    The thing is that as a F2Per you can't afford to just Meh one card if it's within your abilities to get it. The P2P/F2P gap is big enough (and expanding) without self-sabotage.

    As I said in the chat a couple hours ago: You (I'm not finger pointing anybody in particular here) need to learn how to approximately calculate an accurate standing for yourself in the upcoming event, and just stick to it.
    That's what I do in PPS: When the event is announced, I make a guesstimate of how well I'll do; then, when the event starts, I make a better one, and I also guesstimate which prizes/rewards I'll be capable of getting. Then, I make sure I do.

    For example, as somebody that normally ranks in the Top150~250 range, and with good stockpiles of namins from last event, I decided I would be able to get rewards for Top500 and 200 locs, but was skeptical of getting the 50k SR... So, I simply said: If I push for 3.6k bouquets a day, I'll get that card by last day. I never even thought about getting any higher reward. Then, I aggresively consumed all my half namins for the first two days. As such, I'd be able to get a good idea of the feasibility of my goal, while not throwing away all my resources (not even touching my full namins). By end of 1st Phase I was almost 2 days ahead of schedule.
    Right now, I'm pretty close to ending today with the card in my power.

    Last event, even after they fixed the amounts, I calculated from the start I would need to throw absolutely everything I had to get Kanae, and even then it wouldn't be a sure thing, so I decided it wouldn't be worth it, and spent all my normal resources (regen focus/sta) into spawning Airu for other people, or helping with Tomokos for lower leveled friends.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For example (and this is directly for you lolix): Why in the 9 circles of hell have you stockpiled your radars? As a F2P there is no conceivable way you'll ever reach Top50, and any betterment to rewards by having double resources in the next PeroGamble won't even make a difference of over 15% on the quality of such...

    You'll get, what, 10 more SR levels from being Top100 instead of Top300? Get 10 more WCs from one-time rewards?

    Those are pretty much the same amount of rewards you've lost in this event for not pushing hard enough, and ending below Top500.
    If you had used those when the loc costs were lower, you'd have gotten more cases/keys to refill your resources, and you'd be closer to the 50k goal.
    PPS ID: 853603 (YoshiEnVerde)
    Osawari Invite: 40VRKO15D3C537UUC2F4F

  3. #163
    Radars only give bouquets, I can't see any reason to spend them if you're already >9,000 bouquets unless you know you can get to 50k using them. The achievement rewards between just aren't worthwhile (and even 9k isn't all that great if you have a pile of card reveals already). Might as well save them for a future event when you can throw them in at the beginning if you are able to get some SR-Slayers from saved e-gacha tickets. I'd rather get battles (cases & keys), exp, and gifts from rolls than wasting my stamina on radars.

  4. #164

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    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiEnVerde View Post
    The only injected consumables I had in this event were around 300 pink keys I bought in N-Gacha/Key bundles.
    THAT is what gave me enough radars to get many chances and reach these values.
    I wish I could do that, most of the time my friends only have silver/gold cases. Of my 250 keys I used 80 maybe?

  5. #165

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    again you are assuming that people aren't doing the exact same thing. Last 2 weeks , i think i slept...literally 5 - 6 hours a night - and no , not because of PPS - but since i need to work on my pc anyway , i log in quite often....and considering it takes me 5h to charge stamina , i had very little wasted time. To that , i've also trown at least a douzen stamina pots and literally every half pot i got. The only resources i stoped wasting were the radars , because i figured , i'd hoard them and see how it goes. If i could reach my goal , then i would use them on the last days to get a boost. If not , there is no point in wasting them , when they could help in future events.

  6. #166
    Because pink keys are buyable with pero, pink cases are easy to open and more often than not, are opened very quickly. If you have free time and are just watching a movie or whatever, set cases to pink and switch to unlocked tab to locked to refresh. That is, if you want to try to get more cases etc.

  7. #167

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    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    again you are assuming that people aren't doing the exact same thing. Last 2 weeks , i think i slept...literally 5 - 6 hours a night - and no , not because of PPS - but since i need to work on my pc anyway , i log in quite often....and considering it takes me 5h to charge stamina , i had very little wasted time. To that , i've also trown at least a douzen stamina pots and literally every half pot i got. The only resources i stoped wasting were the radars , because i figured , i'd hoard them and see how it goes. If i could reach my goal , then i would use them on the last days to get a boost. If not , there is no point in wasting them , when they could help in future events.
    And that was your mistake, if you had not stocked the radars, you could have reached 50k.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowfae View Post
    Radars only give bouquets, I can't see any reason to spend them if you're already >9,000 bouquets unless you know you can get to 50k using them. The achievement rewards between just aren't worthwhile (and even 9k isn't all that great if you have a pile of card reveals already). Might as well save them for a future event when you can throw them in at the beginning if you are able to get some SR-Slayers from saved e-gacha tickets. I'd rather get battles (cases & keys), exp, and gifts from rolls than wasting my stamina on radars.
    Which brings us back to the original point: How to reach those 50k. Of course if you make numbers and realize you won't ever reach 50k it's useless to throw away radars for 15 SR levels and two namins. What I was trying to point is that those radars won't give you any more advantage next event...

    I think people seem to not realize a couple simple truths about games like PPS:
    1. These games are vitally dependant on your momentum. By that, I mean that every time you don't give your best at one event (or even at the times between events) you lose a very tiny amount of momentum/power/chance for the next event. Then, if you want to regain momentum, you need to finance it through cash.
      By momentum, I refer to the amount of resources, cards, SED, stamina, etc, that you have available to make your push in an event.
    2. At any time in your playthrough, you can be cathegorized into a rank; and no matter how much push and momentum you might give/have, it'll be pretty much impossible for you to get rewards for a rank above yours.
      These ranks aren't anything literally delimited, or some part of the game mechanics; but something that gets naturally formed by dint of the game workings themselves and the player driven metagame.
      For example, I regularly rank around standing 200 in events (+- 10%). If I were to expend all my resources, and give my best push, at max momentum, I can actually push up to standing 150, sometimes I've held standings close to 100 for most of an event.
      That puts me firmly in an unnamed rank (let's call it rank 4) that will always be able to get the 100~300 standing reward in an event. My rank 4 also allows me to reach most of the limmed SR rewards dependant on fixed rewards.
      Now, I could push hard for one single event, and reach the next rank, and scrape in top100, getting marginally better rewards (not really by much). The problem would be that I would sacrifice any momentum I had kept till then just for that. Momentum that, as a F2Per would take me at least two or three events to recover. Two or three events where my rewards would be worse than normal.
      Also, no matter how much I were to push, I'd never reach rank 2 (I'm not even deluding myself into believing I could reach rank 1, the infamous top5).
    3. The main problem people tend to ignore: The F2P Ceiling. It doesn't matter how much you play or push, you'll never gain the amount of momentum (or reach the rank) of a mediocre P2Per, much less of a whale. The cheapest P2Per in the game will always have the same amount of resources/momentum/cards as you plus an extra they paid for.
      Best case? F2Per playing the game perfectly, pushing exactly when needed, and conserving momentum when best, can do better than mediocre P2Per playing bad...
      But you can't ever even believe hoarding half a hundred of any resource for two events will give you enough for the third to compete against somebody that just bought twice what it took you 3 months to get.
      Any P2Per worth their money will take advantage of all the daily offers, and get most (or all) slayers every event. Bottom line? They have 25% more Potential Max SED than any F2Per. And that doesn't even take into account they can get up to 15 times the amount of multiplier from slayers than F2Pers get.

    What I'm trying to point is that hoarding resources for the sake of next event is almost useless.
    Seeing as same events are not done back to back, at best you'd get only one event before you get the one where your hoarded resources are useful. With less cards/resources/momentum on your side, that means two events you've done badly in, to get a bit of an advantage in the third...
    What if you get three events before they repeat?

    Even worse, items in your inventory expire after some time (mind you it's like 6 months)... What if your hoarded items are lost before the event is repeated?
    PPS ID: 853603 (YoshiEnVerde)
    Osawari Invite: 40VRKO15D3C537UUC2F4F

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by Astearic View Post
    set cases to pink
    You are a lifesaver. And I am blind.

  9. #169
    "Which brings us back to the original point: How to reach those 50k. Of course if you make numbers and realize you won't ever reach 50k it's useless to throw away radars for 15 SR levels and two namins. What I was trying to point is that those radars won't give you any more advantage next event..."

    This is absolutely and blatantly false, though. Slayer cards give radars a significant boost. If you don't have any slayer cards this event (or just the N ones), and think that you can get a slayer card or two in the next via whatever means (even the free e-gacha tickets), then they sure will give you more advantage in the next event. Plus, those stacked with the ones you get through that event means 2x the bouquets anyways. Stockpiling them for the next event is far, far better than throwing them away for no gain whatsoever (and not just no gain, but you are actually taking a loss since you lose a lot of other actually useful items in the process). If you have a chance of reaching 50k with them via momentum? Sure, you're definitely better off using them. If there's no way in heck you are getting 50k this event no matter what you do? You're better off pushing for level 200, collecting the extra keys / prizes / bonus rolls, and save the radars for when they can actually provide a valid edge.

    It comes down to one very simple fact. If, within the first day or two of an event, you realize that you have no chance of pushing for a reward no matter how hard you try, then it's not worth wasting your resources to fail at it. That means that you not only fall behind / lose momentum, but you are more poorly placed for the next event because you squandered your stockpile for no gain whatsoever. The advice is good at its core, but then you push it to illogical extremes that make good advice become terrible.

    PS: My hoarding my peroanamin stockpiles for the last two events has paid off marvelously for this one. An actual example of why your advice taken to the extreme you are doing is just not good. Free-to-play means that you have to be incredibly wise about your resource usage. That does not mean "frugal". You need to be willing to burn them when doing so will benefit you. You just need to make sure that it is actually going to benefit you.

  10. #170

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Montevideo , Uruguay
    As a free player . im doing pretty well .Event 4: PeroPero Gambit-captura.png

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