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  1. #14

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuff View Post
    I don't even know where to go for the Discord stuff. I did a search, and someone said "the link has dried up" more or less.
    I don't need to do stuff like that usually because the game generally behaves as its supposed to, and in a consistent manner.

    I don't know whats up with Nutaku's "help" stuff. I don't think I've ever had a response back for ANY game.
    I encountered a glitch on Big Bang Empire, and that was the end of that. I can't do anything at all, just sits there.
    So yeah, I'm not too hopeful about the support requests. Anyway, ever heard of helping your fellow man? You should try it, its awesome.

    As for multiple Lavenders; you'd probably disapprove of the way I dress my units. You can only have 20 girls out there at a time, and I split mine up by where they're from. I have the Banana Island girls in one group, Winter Rose Garden in another, etc., so in that case I'd have two Lavenders that I wouldn't be able to place in the same unit, per the rules.

    (And really, while the game has some challenging anybody -- at this point -- really STRUGGLING with difficulty? More often than not I can start an 80 on whatever mission, and just walk away, hands off.)
    The link to Discord on the bottom-left of the main game screen doesn't work?

    I offer help when I think it's needed or deserved. And besides, the last few times I tried going out of my way to help someone with Discord, I got a slap in the face for it because it was about censorship except not actually, or because I was being too abrasive with how someone worded their question badly, despite also helping them reword it and probably pissing someone else off in the process anyway. Basically, mods deal with stupid people like you all the time, and I don't need to add to their workload if I can help it.

    You think your team layout is bad? I'm still using Strawberry in my main team. No fucks given.

    When we start getting maps with level 90+ pests or whatever and your teams are hurting for heals, you may be wishing you had a second Lavender. Or not. But that's what having options is for. You chose to not get a second Lavender, fine. But if you choose to complain about the difficulty of later maps, I'll be more than happy to ask you why you didn't expand your roster when you had the chance.

    (Though Lavender et al. will eventually become permanent revivals anyway, so it doesn't matter much now.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuff View Post
    I don't know how old you are, but I've been playing games with item management in them FOREVER. Earthbound has THE WORST item system of any game, ever. I play WWE Supercard now, and before S3, I was CONSTANTLY at the limit, and i made it work for 2 years. I know what I'm doing with that stuff, with this stuff.

    If my box is full (for now), and I just need to run a few more missions to get enough points to drop in the Gacha for the 6th upgrade that I'm GUARANTEED in the next 8 rolls, whats the harm? All I need to do is sell a couple garbage 2* to get back down to 96, or whatever, and away I go. I get my final upgrade, I pop the girl out, I level her up with ALL of her upgrades, and done. Easy peasy. THIS TIME, they broke from tradition (as I've said), almost as if everything thats happened in the last 6 months meant NOTHING as far as consistency goes with the timing of events ending. Again, the Gacha is STILL THERE. Why? Theoretically, you could be AWARDED a ticket for this event girl TODAY...and not even be able to cash it in. Now how much sense does that make?? Please, tell me.

    The guy that sold his is one thing, my scenario is completely different. (I lock my new girls instantly, btw)

    "I am not here to kick you while you are down," etc.; I can't believe that nobody was like "you know what? That IS strange! I wonder why they did that this one and only time, hmm.."
    Maybe the gacha ending early is a first-time. But listed deadlines being wrong overall is nothing new. Even though maintenance is usually at 10 AM UST or so, the listed times for how long until the event maps last usually extend about six hours past that. Regardless, you still chose to not take precautions, and that's on you.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 12-01-2016 at 09:48 AM.

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